Xhosa Translation Services

Tomedes offers certified Xhosa translation services, trusted by over 95,000 clients globally. Our team of native Xhosa translators and localization experts is ready to handle complex projects in any industry. With 24/7 support and a 1-year warranty, we ensure quality and accessibility for all your translation needs. Contact us for dedicated Xhosa translation solutions.

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    95,000 Business Customers

Work With Professional Xhosa Translators You Can Trust

Xhosa, or isiXhosa, stands as South Africa's second most-spoken language, with over 8.1 million native speakers and 11 million second-language speakers. Known for its distinctive click consonants, Xhosa's rich linguistic texture presents unique translation challenges. Our professional Xhosa translators, proficient in the language's nuances and clicks, ensure your message accurately reaches this significant audience across southeast South Africa and beyond. Trust Tomedes to deliver Xhosa translation services that resonate with authenticity and precision. Ready to connect with Xhosa speakers? Contact us to start your project.

Our Language and Xhosa Translation Services

Get in touch with Tomedes for a free quotation on any Xhosa language service, including the following:

  • Xhosa Translation of Documents

  • Transcription to and from Xhosa

  • Interpretation to and from Xhosa

  • Xhosa Marketing and Marcom

  • Xhosa Desktop Publishing projects

  • Xhosa Content and Copywriting

  • Xhosa Voiceovers and Subtitling

  • Xhosa Editing and Proofreading

  • Xhosa Customer Service Solutions

  • Xhosa Localization of Software and Documentation

Areas of Expertise

We offer Xhosa translation services in every business sector, including but not limited to:


Leading automakers and other players in the transport industry know that they need to perform in top gear. Auto-related businesses rely on Tomedes to communicate in Xhosa. Whether it’s translating technical documentation, writing and editing sales and marketing literature, or localizing Xhosa software and car displays, our native Xhosa linguists deliver the goods.

See how we translate automotive documents

Banking and Finance

Exactness is a prerequisite for every financial document, and top finance firms and banks know this all too well. That’s why so many turn to Tomedes to supply superb Xhosa translation services. Whether it’s translating to and from Xhosa, producing reports, or proofreading documents to ensure their accuracy, our native Xhosa translators, specially trained and experienced in the language of accounting and finance, ensure that your paperwork is flawless and compliant with regulatory standards. Insurance agencies, financial advisory firms, and loan providers all have learned that our translation and editing teams will never let them down.

See how we translate financial documents


The law depends on the exactness of language. No surprise, then, that law firms and courts at all levels turn to Tomedes for flawless translations to and from Xhosa, fully compliant with legal standards at every level. Our native Xhosa translators understand ‘legalese’ as it applies to diverse domains and legal specialties. That includes copyright, trademark, and patent applications, partnership and employment agreements, mergers, acquisitions and incorporations, trusts and wills as well as diverse Xhosa language services for litigators.

See how we translate legal documents


Accuracy in language can save lives, so words must be taken extremely seriously. Many of our Xhosa language experts possess specialized knowledge of medicine, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare generally, pursuing exactness and perfection. Delivering flawless translation of technical, marketing, and sales documents, Tomedes is the company you’ll want to call when your docs need a doctor.

See how we translate medical documents


Gaming is not kid’s play – it’s a huge international business. Domestic game producers and foreign studios seek to translate to and from Xhosa for diverse entertainment products. Xhosa localization is a requirement for tapping the country’s youth market. Tomedes Xhosa translators possess specialized knowledge of gaming, including video games, the latest VR / AR gadgets, sporting events, and the latest digital devices.

See how we translate video games


Leading high-tech firms rely on Tomedes for professional language services to convert all types of content from and to Xhosa. Our savvy teams worldwide excel in the language of diverse technology domains and scientific niches. Our Tomedes Xhosa translators adapt apps and websites, sales and marketing literature, and all kinds of social media for the domestic market and for export markets.

 See how we translate technical documents


The standards for accuracy in security-related industries are exacting, with clients demanding flawless delivery of localization and translation projects. Defense firms rely on Tomedes for completing projects on time and under budget. Our superb native Xhosa linguists apply their specialized knowledge and skills to adapt documents expertly to and from Xhosa.

See how we translate military documents


Tomedes experts have vast experience working with government departments and agencies worldwide, and Xhosa expertise is in high demand. We cooperate with officials at the federal, national, regional, and local levels to complete projects on time and on schedule. Our Xhosa translators, writers, and editors are renowned for their strict security standards and discretion.

See how we translate government documents

Give us a challenge!

If you don’t find your specific industry domain listed, get in touch with us and allow us to tell you what we’ve done in the fields that interest you most.


Get in Touch!

Connect globally with Tomedes by your side. For your Xhosa translation needs, reach out to us at support@tomedes.com. We're committed to delivering accurate and culturally relevant Xhosa translations, ensuring effective communication with your audience.

You can also contact us through:

US phone at +1 985 239 0142

Post: Tomedes Ltd - USA
9450 SW Gemini Dr #34540

Ready to get started?


What Our Clients Say

For 15 years, Tomedes has been a leading Xhosa translation service provider. With exceptional customer service and 24/7 availability, clients receive prompt and personal attention. Reviews from Trustpilot and GoodFirms attest to our accurate translations and dedicated support. Discover our commitment to excellence today.

"Speedy return & reasonably priced"

A Translation Company well equipped with knowledge of hundred of different languages - speedy return & reasonably priced.

Katherine Lindsay

BBC Studios


"Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!"

Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!...Everything was seamless! I trusted Tomedes so much they're now working...with an even bigger project: interpreting a multi-language Zoom meeting!

Ashrena Ali

Carolina Herrera


"Tomedes is a high quality translation provider."

I am very satisfied with Tomedes's work ethic, organization, attention to detail, and customer support. They are quick to respond to feedback which was beneficial to the improvement of our localization program. We highly recommend Tomedes for localization projects in multiple languages.

Jorge Castro


Get In Touch

Tomedes Ltd - USA 9450

SW Gemini Dr #34540,


OR 97008-7105

Call : +1 985 239 0142


26 HaRokmim st.

Azrieli Business Center, Building C, 7th floor,

Holon 5885849, Israel

Call : +972 (0)72 220 0700


7 Bell Yard,

London, WC2A

2 JR United Kingdom

Call: +44 (0)16 1509 6140

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