Tomedes Reveals Game-Changing Translation Tool: Say Hello to Our MT Engine Comparator
Tomedes Reveals Game-Changing Translation Tool: Say Hello to Our MT Engine Comparator

CATEGORY / Translation services


Discover how a new machine translation solution by Tomedes can help analyze MT engine output and provide recommendations to transform the world of translation.

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What Is the Most Difficult Field to Translate?
What Is the Most Difficult Field to Translate?

CATEGORY / Translation services


Discover the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions in the translation business: What is the most difficult field to translate?

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How to Post-Edit AI-Generated Content
How to Post-Edit AI-Generated Content

CATEGORY / Translation services


Artificial intelligence has accelerated its takeover of the content creation industry. Discover how to post-edit AI-generated content to impress both GoogleBot and your readers.

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Leading the Way in Translation and Localization Technology: The Evolution of ChatGPT
Evolution of Chat GPT

CATEGORY / Translation services


Technology in the translation and localization industry is evolving. Discover how ChatGPT is pushing the boundaries of what Natural Language Processing can achieve.

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Say Goodbye to Misunderstandings: How ChatGPT Is Improving Communication in Customer Service
Say Goodbye to Misunderstandings

CATEGORY / Translation services


Improving customer support services has never been easier thanks to ChatGPT’s real-time translations. We take a look at how this tool has revolutionized the domain.

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AI and ChatGPT: How to Thrive in a Changing Language Sector Job Market
AI and ChatGPT: How to Thrive in a Changing Language Sector Job Market

CATEGORY / Translation services


Learn about the impact of AI and ChatGPT on language sector jobs and how human translators can remain competitive by developing specialized skills and expertise. Discover the potential benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT in the language industry and strategies for upskilling the workforce to use AI tools effectively.

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How Successful Translators Keep Themselves in TipTop Shape
How Successful Translators Keep Themselves in TipTop Shape

CATEGORY / Translation services


Learn expert advice from experienced translators on career development and building positive relationships in the translation industry. Discover the various paths to success and how communication, proactivity, and understanding can lead to success in the field.

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The Ethics of Using ChatGPT in Translation and Localization
The Ethics of Using ChatGPT in Translation and Localization

CATEGORY / Translation services


Explore ethical considerations of OpenAI's ChatGPT, the latest AI-based translation technology. Learn about cultural sensitivity in translation, limitations, merits, and challenges. See proposed solutions to improve accuracy and prevent perpetuating stereotypes.

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ChatGPT: Your Personal Assistant for Translation Tasks
ChatGPT: Your Personal Assistant for Translation Tasks

CATEGORY / Translation services


Your own personal assistant? It’s possible! Learn how this powerful GPT-3 tool can help free up your time from tedious tasks so you can focus on the true art of translation.

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Translating in the Digital Age: The Pros and Cons of AI vs. Human Translation
Translating in the Digital Age

CATEGORY / Translation services


ChatGPT has reignited debates on machine translation vs. human translation. We will examine the pros and cons of each translation and where ChatGPt fits in this.

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