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Subtitle translation services

High quality subtitle translation services by professional subtitle translators. Tomedes provides the best subtitle translation quotes. Get the best combination of low cost, high quality and fast delivery language translation services from Tomedes.

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A Subtitle Translation Company you can Trust 

95,000 clients have entrusted Tomedes with their business. These include private individuals, small to medium businesses, and the largest corporations, leading brands, national and local governments. But most importantly: we're here for you. Right now.


We see subtitles everyday, most commonly on television and movie content. Multimedia content from a particular country is no longer restricted to its people. People from entirely different cultures and languages take interest in it. Take for example, movies produced by Hollywood, they are released all over the world and their audience is not restricted to English language speakers. In fact, producers of television and movie content are nowadays giving more importance to releasing their content in multiple languages than they did earlier. Subtitles are a less expensive way of making them accessible to speakers of various languages compared to dubbing.

Tomedes has been involved in a number of subtitle translation projects, both long term and short term. We have built up a highly efficient and talented team of professional subtitle translators, and can provide subtitle translation services for a large number of language pairs.

Tomedes uses a very efficient automated bidding process to ensure that every translation project is assigned to a professional translator who can provide an ideal combination of quality and competitive bid. This way we ensure that our clients get high quality services combined with the best translation rates for every project.

If you require subtitle translation services, we invite you try Tomedes, we promise you the most user friendly, high quality and affordable services. You can check the best language translation rate for your project right now by asking for a free translation quote from the top menu. If you have further queries or feedback please get in touch with us through our contact form and we will get back to you in the shortest possible time.

Fully Accredited Subtitle Translation Services


ATA Corporate Member Number 272444


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  • Personal project manager
  • Support and assistance via email, phone and chat

1-year guarantee

  • Post-completion project support
  • Comprehensive quality assurance

Fast Delivery

  • Availability for urgent orders
  • Working around the clock to provide the best, fastest service

95,000 Business Customers

  • Fortune 500 companies trust Tomedes translation agency
  • Official and selected Google and Android partner
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