ACTFL 2019

Washington, D.C., USA, | 2019-11-22 - 2019-11-24

Foreign language learning is a daunting undertaking indeed. With various differences in form, pronunciation, context and the alphabet themselves, hearing another language spoken is akin to hearing mumblings rather than actual words. Immersion to a certain culture or demographic is said to be the best way to learn a specific language. But given that this opportunity rarely presents itself and is costly to pursue, we have our language educators to thank in this case.

The 2019 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo is organized by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, a group committed to the growth and development of the learning of languages in different sectors for various purposes. This convention is for all language educators all around the globe. It started way back in 1967, as one of the leading conventions for language teachers and learners, now it caters to over 8000, language educators, professionals and enthusiast.

This event is perfect for all those inclined in the learning of languages or in the profession of teaching them. It is a three day event aimed to gather language professionals and facilitate the professional development of thousands of professionals that can translate to the improvement of the whole language industry itself.

There are various programs lined up for efficient language learnings and speakers that will not only educate but motivate you in your goal to effectively teach and learn that language you are interested in. What is perhaps one of the most unique characteristic of this event is the option to join sessions via their online convention program. This would be perfect for those who does not have the money to spend for that plane ticket but eager to make strides in their career development.

For more information please see website below.




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