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Website Translation Services

Professional website translation from Portuguese to English by leading translation agency Tomedes that has network of 5,000 professional translators

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Translation of a company website from Portuguese to UK English

September 27, 2015

When it comes to document translation, regional differences are very important. One of our professional translators here at Tomedes recently translated a website from Portuguese to English. Both Portuguese and English exist in more than one region of the world, making it essential that we selected the right translator for the job. 

The task was to translate a European Portuguese website into UK English. This meant we needed a native UK English speaker to undertake the work rather than a native US English speaker – as well as one who was familiar with European rather than Brazilian Portuguese. 

Of course for a professional translation agency like Tomedes this was not a problem. We assigned the work to one of our translators living in London, whose Portuguese parents had moved there several years before she was born. 

Although our translator would have been perfectly comfortable translating the client’s company website from Brazilian Portuguese to US English, we find that by taking regional variations into account we are able to provide an overall higher quality of translation. With a professional reputation to uphold, this is very important to us!

It’s also important that we match the translator’s career experience to the needs of the client. This particular client’s website included detailed terms and conditions, so we assigned it to a translator who ran several of her own websites and blogs, including the technical and legal aspects of doing so. 

Whether your translation needs are large or small, corporate or personal, we have the right translator for you. Our network spans the globe and we are proud to offer translators covering all common language pairings – and even some not so common ones! Please get in touch to discuss your translation needs and for a competitive quote. We look forward to hearing from you.

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